Everyone has their favorite t-shirt.
Whether it holds some sentimental value or you love the fabric or design, a favorite tee is a necessary part of everyone’s wardrobe. But why is it that we are all willing to sacrifice the perfect fit on this could-be perfect garment? Yes, maybe there’s something that feels ridiculous about tapering the sides of your tee to give it the ideal boxy cut, or perhaps rolling the sleeves five times to achieve the right length is easy enough to make it work. But what if this t-shirt, in all its glory, could fit just right without tying knots, tucking in half of the fabric, or rolling the sleeves - only to have them fall out with one wave?
We have great news… it can! And no, it is not ridiculous to tailor your t-shirt, because this may very well be your favorite (and most worn) piece in your wardrobe. And even if it’s not, next time you reach for your tailored tee, you’ll be thrilled you had it done. Now you can stop fumbling around all day to give the impression that it fits, and, instead, go on living in that now-perfect-in-every-way shirt.